other video works

Ohne Titel
Footage and CGI
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Bewegtes Stillleben 14
Filzstift, Ölkreide und Pastellkreide auf Papier + Datamoshing
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Kleines Raumschiff mit Petersilie
Vordergrund: 3D Modell
Hintergrund: KI generiert
Ton: Audiocollage
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Ratte in Garten
Vordergrund: Pastellkreide auf Papier
Hintergrund: KI generiert
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Bild: KI generiert
Ton: Audiocollage
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Bild: KI generiert und nachbearbeitet
Ton: Audiocollage
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Käfer im Vordergrund: Bleistift auf Papier
Hintergrund: KI generiert
digital kombiniert und animiert
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Bewegte Stillleben 8-13
8: Pastellkreide auf Papier + Datamoshing
9: Pastellkreide auf Papier + Datamoshing
10: Buntstift auf Papier + Datamoshing
11: Buntstift auf Papier + Datamoshing
12: Buntstift und Filzstift auf Papier+ Datamoshing + 3D Modell
13: Pastellkreide auf Papier+ Datamoshing + 3D Modell
(Die Reihenfolge ist auf der Website umgekehrt, mit Nr. 13 als jüngste Arbeit oben.) Bewegte Stillleben 8-13 entstanden von Januar bis Oktober 2021.
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Video- und Soundinstallation
Bild- und Toncollage
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.

Bewegte Stillleben 1-7
1: Filzstift auf Papier + Datamoshing
2: Ölkreide auf Papier + Datamoshing
3: Filzstift auf Papier + Datamoshing
4: Filzstift auf Papier + Datamoshing
5: Filzstift auf Papier + Datamoshing
6: Filzstift auf Papier+ Datamoshing
7: Pastellkreide auf Papier + Datamoshing
(Die Reihenfolge ist auf der Website umgekehrt, mit Nr. 7 als jüngste Arbeit oben.)
Bewegte Stillleben 1-7 entstanden von Oktober bis Dezember 2020.
Note: If the video player reads "This video is not available", this can be fixed by reloading the page. The quality of the videos usually has to be set manually to HD in the player settings — depending on the internet connection.